Assignment Description

The main goal of the assignment is to wrap a fairly clunky C-style library for pdf creation into a nicer-to-use class. This is an example of the facade design pattern discussed in class.

You will also make a small class to generate spirals and then tie together your facade class and the spiral class in an application to turn text into spiral art.

The application will use a Makefile to write so you will practice this style of build management. I highly recommend reading the linked makefile tutorial under lecture 4, then following along the steps in my own makefile tutorial. If you do those, you should be able to do this part of the assignment pretty easily. If you just dive in you are likely to waste a lot of time.

This assignment is a big step up in complexity from the first and you are still using potentially unfamiliar tools and build systems. Use the point class example linked in my Makefile tutorial as well as the example code that drives the haru code as a way to get started.

Example Output


