Discreete Structures

Completed: Fall 2022
Grade: A

Course Description

Introduction to propositional logic, predicate logic, formal logical arguments, finite sets, functions, relations, inductive proofs, recurrence relations, graphs, probability, and their applications to Computer Science.


This course is a math course thinly veiled as a CS course. It takes the mathematical concept of discrete structures and applies it to the computer science field. Despite that fact I thorougly enjoyed this course (and have currently TAed 2 semester of this course Fall23 and Spring24). This course focuses on logic, combinatorics and probability, graphs, and proofs. It teaches you how to think like a computer scientists and apply a logical, mathematical approach to problem solving. Its deep dive into graphs and sets also provided much needed insight into visiualizing data at this point in my degree. This truley was the begining of the so-called theory classes. Due to this there was no actual programming/projects in this course.